I Love to See the Temple!

Summer is old enough to go to girls camp? What? and she lead aristo- sha!? Hahaha that's so awesome. keeping the Nielsen name with that song!
Alright so I got lots to tell so im just just go down my list!
First we had our Hermanas Conference, which was super awesome! And it was cool to meet all the Hermanans in the whole mission, and meet up again with my ccm pals! We learned a lot! A lot about our roles and the priesthood, it was really special!
Then the next day we went to the TEMPLE!! woo! 5 months I had been waiting! It was great! we took a train to get there and oh man I did not think we could fit anymore people on that train, it was JAMMED PACKED and more and more just kept coming.
Also I have a super funny story from the temple but my pictures arent uploading and its not as good without the picture so ill try to get it to work for next week..
So this week I was asked to speak in church! WOo.. the night before. ha. But when have I ever prepared a talk any other time then the night before, but I kind of ran out of time to prepare it so all I had was my scriptures and a sticky note with points of what I wanted to talk about, and I literally just talked most the talk which surprised me cause I was actually able to say everything I wanted to in Spanish! I talked on Family History and compared it to missionary work and how we look for people, they look for names, we prepare them for baptism, they do the the baptisms for the dead in the temple, and in the end we are both saving souls and helping in the hastening work on both sides. I thought it went pretty well, I was only suppose to speak for 10 mins and I didnt even think I had that prepared but the bishop actually had to pass me a note that said "tiempo" haha so I guess it was long enough ;)
Hey dad an elder in my zone is from argentina and he wants to know what areas you served in :)
Everything is going well, and we have 2 investigators really progressing, im out of time AGAIN.. ugh But I love you guys!! keep sharing the gospel and being awesome member missionaries!
Hermana Nielsen

Hey so did I ever mention to you guys that I'm actually learning 2 languages... A ton of people we run into speak Quechua, which is the native language of Peru. Which is NOTHING close to Spanish. Or a lot of people speak a mixture of Spanish and Quechua which is even worse. But yeah so this is the Book of Mormon in Quechua, I know like 5 words so far! ;)

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