Happy Birthday Papanwa!!‏

Hello my dear wonderful family!!

This week was mucho mejor! In my letter to president I basically told him I was so mad about our week that we were gonna take it out on our area working. So last Monday after Pday we went to visit a few investagators. They live in this secret passageway type thing, there is like a metal door so it looks like just one house, but you walk in and there is like a little hallway with a bunch of other doors. They live at the first door and they said they were busy so we asked if there were any families we could visit that they knew, they said yeah this whole passageway is full of families and started naming off all the families that lived there. WE recieved 5 different families! So we went to the next door and they let us right in! There whole family was there and the grandparents, and they told us that that never happened so we caught them at a perfect time. MIRACLE! So that night alone we taught them all and it went great! They seem like a really great family! And we had 5 new investagators to start our week out (last week we had 0) We were so happy and so pumped and basically skipped home.
    Tuesday we had our interviews with president! It was one of the most different interviews I have ever had with president. He started out by asking how my faith was and from there just asked me a bunch of questions making me answer all of them, he hardly said anything. But it was soo cool how we were guided and how much I learned being the one talking the whole time. President has been stressing the need to interact when we teach and this was a perfect example for me that it works really well. He also started talking a little about after the mission which I didn't like, but he made some really good points and told me I had great faith :) He also gave me the question, How do we help the people we teach feel the need to repent. It was really interesting for me and that has been my focus of my studies this week. And I have learned so much! President is so inspired. Afterwards he talked to us as a zone about goals and faith and not becoming discouraged everything he said was SO PERFECT! I love that man! I just felt soo good and edified after leaving the church.
       Later that day we were walking to the church for a meeting and when I got there  I realized my plaque had fallen off. we had to wait til after the meeting and it was dark out so we tried looking but we didn't see anything. I was praying soooo hard! I know its just a plaque but it had all my stickers that each mean something or a memory of a companion and Its just something really important to me! I prayed all night and in the morning we went and ran where we walked to look for it and nothin... I was super sad. but..... Heavenly Father is so good and hears EVERY WORD! 2 days later after walking that route about 5 times looking for it everytime, my district leader called and said he had found it! 2 days later! And where he said he had found it was an area we walked past soo many times! But who cares I was just soo happy! Prayer is so real! And he DOES answer them!! Im so happy to be reunited with my plaque :)
   So back to that secret passage, we went back later this week to visit the others and turns out this secret passage is super huge! it had a corner so we couldnt really see how far it actually went! We were able to contact all 5 families and had a lesson with one of them! which went really well. We met Pavel (27) and Vanessa (20), they are sibblings and are super awesome! there house is soooo nice! It was really suprising to walk into, we haven't been able to meet there parents but they are married!! So we are teaching 3 out of the 6 families that live there! And have return appiontments with the other 3! WE call it our ´Passaje escogido´ WE are really excited to teach these families!!! so it total we had 7 new investagators! We were very happy!
     This week we are headed to Lima because Elder Waddell is coming from the 70 to talk to us. Im super excited for that! Then saturday is cambios!! I'm really not sure if I'll be going or not.. but the next time youll hear from me will be next tuesday! 
    Also I loooooove my pedometer! Its the best! Its so fun to see how much we walk and run. We walked/ran 38.6 miles this week. And 9 of those I ran. I run about 2.5 miles everyday six times per week. This week we got jipped a few excersizing days for interviews and intercambios. But yeah we walk alllot! My calves are starting to look like moms! (haha but not my pathos as adelaide would say ;) )

   WEll I love being a missionary! Its seriously the best! I love learning everyday and becoming closer to my savior and understanding what he did for me. I felt this week every time I bore my testimony I was just kept saying it over and over to them pleading them to just try it out for themselves. I LOVE THIS GOSPEL!! so so so much! its hard not to just suffocate people with my testimony of it! They gotta plant the seed themselves... but I absolutely love what I do! Hope Papanwa has a FABULOUS day!! Eat lots of ice cream for me! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH DAD! Thanks for teaching me how to be a missionary! Hope you all have the best week ever!! We´ll see where I'm at the next time I talk to you! LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Hermana Nielsen

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