AHH Im so excited for Cody! This is gonna be the longest 2 weeks of my life!
Well this past week was super crazy. I haven't slept in like 5 days.. I feel like a zombie. We worked normal in our area monday and tuesday we were able to have a few lessons that went super well. One of our investigators Nancy, that got baptized a while ago in a different church is doing really well! SHe always has the best questions and I just feel like she understands what we teach not just listening. We explained the plan of salvation to her and when I asked her if she felt ready to meet God she quickly said noo... Then we explained that's why we must prepare and it made me think how everyone feels so unprepared and scared to meet our heavenly Father or Jesus Christ. When it should be something we can't wait for! To finally meet and thank our savior! We should be excited to meet him, not scared. But it depends on if we are prepared. We talked a little bit about that with her and she really like it. Wednesday we had our district meeting and pday then that night we left as a zone for Lima. We all went in the same bus and it was a party haha. The seats went all the way down and made a bed. It was really nice but still didn't help, I didn't sleep much, plus everyone was puking all night long so that kept us all awake. haha it was a fun bonding experience with the zone. We got to Lima and had our meeting with Elder Waddell and his wife! We got to meet him and it was super cool. He talked about a lot of different things, I got lots of notes. I was able to learn a lot. It was nice to see all the other hermanas of Lima too! I saw Hna Galo! My mom! she dies this transfer :( The rest of the night we just hung out in the mission office as a zone with the assitants. Then headed back that night on the bus, but one that was the complete opposite of the first one. So once again no sleep. No sleep Night #2. The rest of the week went well, we had a lesson with Pilar and we mentioned I could be transfered so when she said the closing prayer she prayed that I would be able to stay in Ayacucho Forever! haha uhhh... It was supe cute though! Then after the lesson she told us she had something to ask us, then continued to explain that in her school their PE uniform is inmodest because the shorts are too short. We explained that if it wasnt something she could control it'd be okay but that we were happy she was concerned and trying to do what is right. She is so great! haha I love her! We talked the familia Machaca this week too! All their family has returned from summer break so we were able to teach the whole family again! They are slowly getting there, I know they will join someday but it might be a patient wait. I love them so much though! Then saturday we had a lesson with a family of investagatores but this time they didn't want us to teach them they wanted us to teach their brother Oskar, he is like 27 and recently ´got sick´ were not sure what really happened but he sits in a chair all day and doesn't talk. I think he might have had some kind of brain surgery... but isn't the same now.. They didn't go into much detail just said to try to get him to talk to us. We taught him. it was kind of hard cause he couldnt talk, but he was listening. It was kind of a really akward lesson and we didn't know what to do. He said a few words to us like SI and his family got super excited. Then after we finished we said all our goodbyes Hna Peña went to shake his hand and he grabbed her hand with both of his and said ´thank you for your visit.´ His family kind of freaked out that he had spoke. It was a miracle for them and now they want us to come back and keep teaching him. It was kind of an akward situation cause we came to visit them but they don't want to hear anything now. And were not sure how we can really help Oskar in his condition like this. But what would the savior do? Were gonna keep stopping by and hopefully we can help him and his family get more interested again. It was a super cool experience but super strange too.
Then laaaaate saturday night we got the transfer call! (no sleep night #3) I got trasnfered!! Im now in Churillos in Lima with Hna Addington from Texas. I was really surprised I'm with a gringa again but its gonna be great!
Then sunday! It was mostly just packing, i didn't realize how much stuff I have! And I said all my goodbyes! It was sad, I'll definatly miss Frine and her family and Pilar and the familia machaca. But asi es la mission. Pilar was really upset! ¨hermanita no se vaya!¨ over and over again. Im kind of akward with goodbyes so... I just kind of hugged her and said sorry. Everyone else is pretty use to changes so they just hugged and thanked me. Then I left that night for Lima (no sleep night #4) I met my new companion and we headed to our area to get to work. we had Hna tuqurres with us because she had to wait for her companion to come, Her and I were walking around like zombies yesterday. She came with me to Lima. Then last night we picked up a few more Hnas from the office until like 10pm. so we got to bed suuuper late. Then early this morning got up at 5 to get the Hnas on the road to there new areas. (no sleep night #5 ) so yeah im still DEAD tired! But its okay. I'M super excited to be here in Churillos! Its right by the beach, we can see if from our house! Our house is suuuuper nice. they just changed and I love it! we are on the 4th floor so we have a great view. Hna Addington is super great! She works really hard! I'M so grateful to have a companion who is ready to work. This cambia that's all I want to do Work. work .work. work. Oh and I'm not in Family history! My transfer then is Zealous & Fearless! Being super dillegent and getting everything done I need to here in Churillos and just not fearing to act upon anything or talk to anyone who crossed our way. Its gonna be a great last 2 transfers here! I'M super excited! I love you all lots! And hope you have a fabulous week!
Hermana Nielsen
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